Powers of Attorney have been in existence for many years. By using a Power of Attorney, a person (the Donor) gives authority to someone else (the Attorney) to act on his behalf and manage his or her affairs. Although a Power of Attorney might be limited to some specific matter, for example to sign a...
The Good Work Plan followed the Taylor Report and was seen as an attempt by the UK government to meet the changing needs of the employment world, including the gig economy. In December 2018, the government published proposals to take forward some of those recommendations contained in the Taylor Report. You should however...
Not long after what was the greatest change to data protection law in years (GDPR, May 2018), we are progressing towards what is likely to be the greatest economic and societal change in a generation: Brexit. At the time of writing, we can’t comment on whether the correct wording is to say that a No...
Once the initial hurdle of successfully incorporating a new company has been dealt with, one of the first things to think about when starting a new company is whether you need an agreement in place to govern the way that the business between the shareholders is conducted i.e. a shareholders’ agreement. A shareholders’ agreement...
Reflecting on our use of technology in early 2019, what we have become familiar with (and possibly blasé about) would seem impossible if explained to someone from just a few generations ago. We can wake up and ask Alexa to start brewing our coffee before asking for Siri’s help in deciding what to wear today...
I am a member of a Human Resource team and with some other members of staff, I received an email from an employee which I find upsetting. I have recommended that senior management undertake an investigation and dismissal of the individual who sent the email. Now, however, I am wondering if I am doing the...
With the festive season in full swing, the employment department at Tughans has compiled its own cautionary Christmas list of issues employers should take into account when entering into the spirit of the season. While no-one likes organised fun, you should plan your event so that no one is left out. For example, a...
On 22 October 2018 the GC100 (“GC100”) published guidance on the interpretation of section 172 of the Companies Act 2006 (“Section 172”). This guidance is intended to supplement GC100’s 2007 guidance on directors’ duties under the Companies Act 2006 and comes after the recent publication of the revised UK Corporate Governance Code and the new...
It is the very reason you do not want to be seated in the vicinity of two lawyers at a dinner party; it is in our genetic make-up to obsess about the fine print’s fine print. However, I understand that many people tick the ‘I Agree’ box of various terms and conditions without much more...
Consider a business which is being sold imminently with all staff transferring to the purchaser. There is very little time to inform and consult the employees about the sale before it happens and they may be entitled to bring claims for a protective award. The question is who can bring this claim, what is the...